If you think about this question you will see that it doesn’t make sense.
It would have to be a bigger God that made God, but then the next question would be who made this bigger God?
It would have to be a bigger bigger God!
But who made the bigger bigger God?
It would have to be a bigger bigger bigger God, and so it would go on infinitely – an infinite chain of bigger Gods.
それはより大きいよりもさらに大きい神よりもまたさらに大きな神でなければならないはずなので、それは無限に上に行くだろう - より大きな神の無限の連鎖をします。
There are only two logically possible answers to this question – either there was an infinite chain of bigger Gods, or an infinitely big and powerful God has always existed.
The latter is the only thing that makes sense (although it is mind-blowing when you really think about it with our finite minds), and this is exactly what the Bible says about God – that He is infinite in power and eternal in nature.
後者は、理にかなっている唯一のものです(あなたが本当に私たちの有限の心でそれについて考えるとき、それは信じられないですが)、そして、これは神様について聖書に書かれていることとぴったり一致しますーーー 神の力は無限で、神の本質は永遠です。
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Timothy 1:17
「どうか、永遠の王であり、決して死ぬことのない、目には見えない、ただ一人の、知恵に満ち満ちた神様に、栄光と誉れとが、永遠にありますように。 アーメン。」 テモテへの手紙1:17
“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you." Jeremiah 32:17
「ああ神様。 神様は大きな力をもって天と地をお造りになりました。 神様にとって、難しいことは何一つありません。 」 エレミヤ書32:17
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