(Some of the ideas in this article are mentioned
in this DVD which can be watched online in English and Japanese here)
in this DVD which can be watched online in English and Japanese here)
Before I first went to Japan I thought of advanced technology, computer games, Japanese cars (Toyota, Honda, etc), Mt Fuji, Geisha, Samurai, Karate, bowing, politeness, earthquakes, Godzilla... Later when I went to Japan and lived there for 4 years I found that there is much more to Japan than this.
The vast majority of Japanese people are Shinto Buddhist
– Shinto (the way of the gods) being the indigenous religion of Japan. However,
many Japanese people nowadays are atheist (31% according to a 2012 poll) and
belief in a supreme Creator God who made all things is not common in Japan. A
big reason for an increasingly secularised Japan is undoubtedly the teaching of
evolution and millions of years in Japanese schools, museums, on TV etc. Only
about 1% of Japanese are Christian.
Despite the low numbers of Christians there is evidence
of ‘God's Fingerprints in Japan’ left there by the God who created all peoples.
This is because we all come from Adam and Eve around 6000 years ago (Genesis
1-3), and then from Noah and his family (Genesis 6-9) , and then from the Tower
of Babel where God created the different language groups. (Genesis 11)
クリスチャンの数が少ないにもかかわらず、早々手が日本に残した「神が日本に残した指紋」があります。創造主は神の国にいる人々全てにこれを残しました。理由は全ての人の子孫はアダムとイヴを6000年前から (創世記1-3章)、それからノアとノアの家族(創世記6-9章)、それからバベルの塔から。バベルの塔の場所は神様別の言語を造りました。(創世記11章)
The Japanese language writing system uses about 2000
Chinese characters that have been borrowed from Chinese. Among these characters
there are many amazing similarities to the Bible. For example, the word for
boat / ship (船fune) contains the number 8 (八)
within it. Likewise, the word for flood (洪水kouzui) also contains the number 8.
This coincides with the Flood account of Noah’s Ark in the Bible where only 8
people were saved from the Flood. These are just two examples of hundreds that
show that in ancient times the Bible stories were common knowledge because they
were based on real events. (See here for ‘Bible Stories Hidden in Chinese Characters – A
Japanese Perspective’ by T. Boyle )
In Acts 17 the apostle Paul said, “People of Athens! I
see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked
carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this
inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you
worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.”
In a similar way Japanese are very religious, having around
80,000 Shinto Shrines throughout the country. Shinto is a form of polytheistic
animism and their Shinto shrines are dedicated to numerous different gods. One
of the gods is called ‘Ame-no-minaka-nushi-kami’ (天之御中主神),
which means ‘the Chief God in the Centre of Heaven’. This god is ‘unknown’ to
most Japanese but was one of the creator gods within Shintoism. However, most
Japanese have relegated this god to just being one of many gods.
Shinto shrines are also fascinating in how similar they
are to the Tabernacle shrine of ancient Israel as recorded in the Old
Testament. (In order to understand the similarities you need to be familiar
with the Tabernacle). The Tabernacle of ancient Israel had a fence around the
outside, a gate at the front, a wash basin, a temple in the centre divided into
two parts, the back part being only for the priests, and containing a mikoshi.
This mikoshi was called the Ark. The Ark was a wooden box covered in gold with
2 poles for carrying. On top of the Ark were 2 angels with wings outstretched
similar to the Japanese phoenix on Japanese mikoshi. These are just a few of the numerous similarities between
Shinto and ancient Judaism. (See here)
神道の神社と古代イスラエルの神殿はとても似ていて、興味深いです。これは旧約聖書です。(似ていることのためにTabernacle必要に分かります。) 古代イスラエルのTabernacleは垣に外側、前に門、手水谷、拝殿、本殿、中央の神殿は二つの部分、のみ司祭のためであった後ろ部分に分割されております。本殿の中には神輿がありました。この神輿の名前はアークです。アークは金で覆われた木製の箱で、運ぶための取ってが2本付いています。アークの上に対の羽を広げた天使がおり、日本の神輿の上に不死鳥がいる様子に似ています。神道と古代ユダヤ教の間の類似点はほんの少しです。(
Japan is also famous for its festivals, and one of the
most intriguing (and dangerous) festivals is called ‘Konomiya
Hadaka Matsuri’ (国府宮神社の裸祭り) – the Konomiya Naked Festival. In this
annual festival near the city of Nagoya hordes of men run through the freezing
streets wearing only loincloths. Their goal is to try to touch the naked ‘god-man’ (神男) in
order to get rid of their ‘bad luck’ and
receive ‘good luck'. Due to the large sake fuelled crowds it can get pretty violent, especially for the poor ‘god-man’, who has been specially chosen before the festival and has purified himself for 3 days before the festival. Those who can’t participate directly tie prayer cloths to a large bamboo pole which is carried by the men and raised up. At 3am the next morning the exhausted and bruised ‘god-man’ is made to carry a large ash-covered rice cake on his back. The ‘god-man’ is then chased away and buries the rice cake which symbolises bad luck and evil being removed. (See here and for pictures see here)
他に日本の有名なもの祭りで、興味深い(そして危ない)の祭りの一つは「国府宮神社の裸祭り」です。名古屋の近くで、この毎年の祭りにはたくさんの男がとても寒い道を走って、褌だけ着けています。彼らの目的は神男に触ることによって、悪い運を取り去って、幸運を手に入れることです。 不運な神男にとって、多量の酒に酔った群集は凶暴である。その男は祭りの前に特別に選ばれ、3日間その身を清めている。直接参加できない人は、大きな竹のポールに祈りの布をくくりつけます。ポールは男性によって運ばれ、持ち上げられます。翌朝3時、疲れ果て、傷ついた神男は大きな灰で覆われた餅を彼の背中に背負わされます。その後、神男は追い払われ、不運と邪悪の象徴の餅は埋葬されます。(こちらみて下さい)(写真はこちら)
The Naked Festival has many parallels with the ancient
Jewish ‘scapegoat’ sacrifice and most of all with the God-man Jesus Christ, who
was abused by men and hung naked on a ‘pole’ (the Cross) in order to take away
our sins. All who touch Jesus in faith are able to receive true spiritual
blessing that comes from knowing the Creator.
One explanation for the huge amount of similarities
between Japanese culture and ancient Jewish culture is that many Japanese could
be descended from one of the lost tribes of Israel (from c. 720 BC). In connection
with this, it is interesting that there are hundreds of similar words between
Japanese and Hebrew. For example, ofuda and ephod. Ofuda are used by Shinto
priests to show the will of the kami, and an ephod was a special item of
clothing used by the priests in ancient Israel to help know God’s will. (See
here for more about this)
There is also evidence to show that the first Christian
missionaries arrived in Japan in the 5th C and perhaps as early as 70 AD – well
over a thousand years earlier than Francis Xavier’s arrival in 1549. (See ‘Lost
Identity’ / ‘Japan: the Nation of the Cross’ by Ken Joseph).
Unfortunately, most Japanese people have lost the true
meaning of much of the spiritual things within their culture. They have lost
their true identity, and with it have lost their true ikigai (生き甲斐)
which means ‘reason for being.’
There are many other things within Japanese culture that
point towards God, and if you search you will find the fingerprints of God in
your culture and life. I encourage you to rediscover the deeper meaning behind
the things in your culture, and to find the God who loves you and desires a
relationship with you.
– Brendan Larsen
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