Most scientists believe that the Earth is billions of years old. Do you believe this too, and if so why?
Did you know that creationists believe that the Earth is only about 6000 years old?
The Bible says God made everything in just 6 days.
One reason that scientists believe the earth is billions of years old is radiometric dating.
But radiometric dating methods cannot be trusted because they are based on many assumptions.
Carbon dating is more reliable but it is only used for dates of thousands of years, and not millions of years.
It is impossible for science to tell us the age of the earth.
But the idea of millions of years is presented as fact in science textbooks, encyclopaedias, on TV, in museums, etc.
The lie of millions of years has been repeated so many times for so many years that people have become brainwashed!
Thousands of scientists reject the idea of millions of years, but they get ignored and ridiculed.
According to Wikipedia, “The age of the Earth is 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%).
ウィキペディアによると、「地球の年齢(ちきゅうのねんれい)は、45.4 ± 0.5億年 (4.54 × 109 年 ± 1%)である。」
However the truth is that it’s not ±1% error factor. It’s ±100% error factor!
しThere is just so much guess work involved in all dating methods.
In my home country of New Zealand a mountain erupted about 50 years ago.
Rocks from that eruption that were 50 years old were taken to a radiometric dating laboratory, and they were dated at being about 1 million years old!
The ages were wrong by 999,950 years!
なんとその誤差は99万9千9百50年だったのです!、実際は± 1%誤差範囲ではありません。± 100%の誤差範囲なのです!
Similar experiments like this have been repeated many times, and every time the same thing happens – rocks that are only a few years old, from recent lava eruptions, are ‘dated’ at being around a million years old or even older.
If you can’t trust radiometric dating on rocks of known age, then obviously you can’t trust it to tell you the age of rocks of unknown age.
And radiometric dating is the biggest reason scientists have for believing the earth is 4.5 billion years old!
The following is from
What exactly is the method that radiometric dating uses?
Radioactive substances such as uranium change from one substance to another at a constant rate.
So, using the method of radiometric dating it's possible to measure the age of rocks by measuring the ratio of change of radioactive substances.
This measurement method has two main types, the first one being radiocarbon 14 method which is used for fossils of living things, and the other main type that is used for igneous rocks (lava) such as potassium argon method, uranium lead method, rubidium strontium method etc.
That is to say, Carbon 14 dating is used for fossils, and without exception the other methods are used for igneous rocks.
この測定法に はいくつかの大きな問題があります。
These measurement methods have several big problems.
For one thing, with igneous rocks there is no way of knowing how much radioactive substances were there when the rocks were formed, which can result in the rocks being dated as much older than they really are.
Also, it is assumed in these dating methods that the uniformitarian theory is correct, but uniformitarianism doesn't make sense because it is impossible to be certain that the rates of decay have been constant.
In addition, rocks usually have an extremely minute amount of radioisotopes which means this method can also have an error factor of hundreds of millions of years.
As a result of trying to date rocks of known age it has been shown that the measured dates can be completely different from the actual age.
This all shows that these dating methods are limited.
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