Monday, October 7, 2013

Behemoth - Dinosaur in the Bible ベヒモス:聖書の恐竜

Behemoth (Hebrew בהמות, behemoth) is a very large beast that must be a dinosaur. (Probably a Sauropod).
Unfortunately the translators of the 2 most popular Japanese Bibles have translated the Hebrew word Behemoth as hippopotamus (kaba 河馬).

However it is impossible for it to be a hippo if you read the description.

According to the description Behemoth is a huge animal - most likely the largest animal God made.

It has a tail like a cedar tree. (This would have been a Lebanese cedar and not a Japanese cedar, although both kinds of cedars are massive trees.) Hippos have tiny tails, but Sauropod dinosaurs have huge tails.
ベヒモスは尾はCedarの木のように。(このCedarはLebanese Cedar、日本杉の木ではありません。しかし、両方のCedarは巨大な木です。)河馬の尾はとても小さいですが、竜脚下目の尾は巨大です。

The reason that the translators used the word hippo for behemoth is because they have been influenced by the false idea that dinosaurs lived millions of years before people.

So they think that it would be impossible for people in the time of Job (about 2000BC) to see living dinosaurs.

Job 40:15-19 “Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.

16 What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly!

17 Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.

18 Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron.

19 It ranks first among the works of God, yet its Maker can approach it with his sword."

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