What is your basis for the laws of logic, morality, and the laws of nature?
My basis for these things is the God of the Bible.
We have laws of logic because God is logical and he made us.
We have laws of morality because God is moral and he made us.
We have laws of nature because God doesn't change and he made everything.
If there is no Creator God and we just evolved by chance then there can be no basis for knowing anything.
Welcome to my Japanese/English blog about Jesus, purpose, life, and other random stuff.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Venus 金星
This evening I saw Venus and took this photo using the zoom on my camera.
I thank God for making such beautiful stars and planets.
Genesis 1:14-19 Day 4 of Creation
"14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day."
創 世記1:14-19 「14-15神様の命令はさらに続きます。 「空に光が輝き、地を照らせ。その光で、昼と夜の区別、季節の変化、一日や一年の区切り をつけるのだ。」 そのとおりになりました。 16こうして、地を照らす太陽と月ができました。 太陽は月よりも大きく明るいので昼を、月は夜を受け持ちます。 この二つのほかにも、無数の星が造られ ました。 17神様はそれをみな空にちりばめ、地を照らさせたのです。 18こうして昼と夜の分担を決め、光とやみとを区別し終えると、神様は満足なさいました。 19ここまでが四日目の出来事です。」
Psalm 19:1-3 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard."
詩篇19:1-3 「天は神の栄光を語り告げ、大空は御手のわざを告げ知らせる。
昼は昼へ話を伝え、夜は夜へ、知識を示す。話もなく、ことばもなく、その声も聞かれない。 」
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Logical Fallacies 論理学の誤謬
Do you know about logical fallacies?
I think this topic is very interesting.
Here's an example of a logically fallacious idea.
A. We can't know anything for sure!
A. 我々は確実に知っていることは何もありませんよ!
B. Do you know that for sure?
B. あなたはそれが確実に本当だと知っていますか?
Here is the same argument reworded:
A. We can't be absolutely certain about anything!
A. 我々は何事も絶対確実に知っている言えません!
B. Are you absolutely certain about that?!
B. あなたが何も確実に知らないということは確実ですか?!
A self-refuting idea is an idea that refutes itself.
The idea contradicts itself.
If it were true it would be false, therefore it is false.
For example, if I said “I can’t speak a word of Japanese” in Japanese, that idea would be self-refuting.
Self-refuting ideas are a kind of logical fallacy.
Examples of logical fallacies:
False Dilemma Fallacy (Black or White Thinking)
Equivocation (Ambiguity) 二枚舌(多義性)
Ad hominem (Personal attack) 人身攻撃
Tuqouque (You too) お前だって論法
Begging the question 論点先取
Strawman ストローマン
Personal Incredulity (Argument from Ignorance) 無知に訴える論証
Bandwagon (Appeal to the majority) 衆人に訴える論証
Genetic Fallacy (Fallacy of origins) 発生論の誤謬
Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy (A kind of Confirmation bias) 確証バイアス
Cherry Picking Fallacy チェリー・ピッキング
Special Pleading 特別の弁護。
I think this topic is very interesting.
Here's an example of a logically fallacious idea.
A. We can't know anything for sure!
A. 我々は確実に知っていることは何もありませんよ!
B. Do you know that for sure?
B. あなたはそれが確実に本当だと知っていますか?
Here is the same argument reworded:
A. We can't be absolutely certain about anything!
A. 我々は何事も絶対確実に知っている言えません!
B. Are you absolutely certain about that?!
B. あなたが何も確実に知らないということは確実ですか?!
A self-refuting idea is an idea that refutes itself.
The idea contradicts itself.
If it were true it would be false, therefore it is false.
For example, if I said “I can’t speak a word of Japanese” in Japanese, that idea would be self-refuting.
Self-refuting ideas are a kind of logical fallacy.
Examples of logical fallacies:
False Dilemma Fallacy (Black or White Thinking)
Equivocation (Ambiguity) 二枚舌(多義性)
Ad hominem (Personal attack) 人身攻撃
Tuqouque (You too) お前だって論法
Begging the question 論点先取
Strawman ストローマン
Personal Incredulity (Argument from Ignorance) 無知に訴える論証
Bandwagon (Appeal to the majority) 衆人に訴える論証
Genetic Fallacy (Fallacy of origins) 発生論の誤謬
Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy (A kind of Confirmation bias) 確証バイアス
Cherry Picking Fallacy チェリー・ピッキング
Special Pleading 特別の弁護。
Monday, September 23, 2013
Age of the Earth 地球の年齢
Most scientists believe that the Earth is billions of years old. Do you believe this too, and if so why?
Did you know that creationists believe that the Earth is only about 6000 years old?
The Bible says God made everything in just 6 days.
One reason that scientists believe the earth is billions of years old is radiometric dating.
But radiometric dating methods cannot be trusted because they are based on many assumptions.
Carbon dating is more reliable but it is only used for dates of thousands of years, and not millions of years.
It is impossible for science to tell us the age of the earth.
But the idea of millions of years is presented as fact in science textbooks, encyclopaedias, on TV, in museums, etc.
The lie of millions of years has been repeated so many times for so many years that people have become brainwashed!
Thousands of scientists reject the idea of millions of years, but they get ignored and ridiculed.
According to Wikipedia, “The age of the Earth is 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%).
ウィキペディアによると、「地球の年齢(ちきゅうのねんれい)は、45.4 ± 0.5億年 (4.54 × 109 年 ± 1%)である。」
However the truth is that it’s not ±1% error factor. It’s ±100% error factor!
しThere is just so much guess work involved in all dating methods.
In my home country of New Zealand a mountain erupted about 50 years ago.
Rocks from that eruption that were 50 years old were taken to a radiometric dating laboratory, and they were dated at being about 1 million years old!
The ages were wrong by 999,950 years!
なんとその誤差は99万9千9百50年だったのです!、実際は± 1%誤差範囲ではありません。± 100%の誤差範囲なのです!
Similar experiments like this have been repeated many times, and every time the same thing happens – rocks that are only a few years old, from recent lava eruptions, are ‘dated’ at being around a million years old or even older.
If you can’t trust radiometric dating on rocks of known age, then obviously you can’t trust it to tell you the age of rocks of unknown age.
And radiometric dating is the biggest reason scientists have for believing the earth is 4.5 billion years old!
The following is from http://sozoron.org/?page_id=861#_
What exactly is the method that radiometric dating uses?
Radioactive substances such as uranium change from one substance to another at a constant rate.
So, using the method of radiometric dating it's possible to measure the age of rocks by measuring the ratio of change of radioactive substances.
This measurement method has two main types, the first one being radiocarbon 14 method which is used for fossils of living things, and the other main type that is used for igneous rocks (lava) such as potassium argon method, uranium lead method, rubidium strontium method etc.
That is to say, Carbon 14 dating is used for fossils, and without exception the other methods are used for igneous rocks.
この測定法に はいくつかの大きな問題があります。
These measurement methods have several big problems.
For one thing, with igneous rocks there is no way of knowing how much radioactive substances were there when the rocks were formed, which can result in the rocks being dated as much older than they really are.
Also, it is assumed in these dating methods that the uniformitarian theory is correct, but uniformitarianism doesn't make sense because it is impossible to be certain that the rates of decay have been constant.
In addition, rocks usually have an extremely minute amount of radioisotopes which means this method can also have an error factor of hundreds of millions of years.
As a result of trying to date rocks of known age it has been shown that the measured dates can be completely different from the actual age.
This all shows that these dating methods are limited.
Did you know that creationists believe that the Earth is only about 6000 years old?
The Bible says God made everything in just 6 days.
One reason that scientists believe the earth is billions of years old is radiometric dating.
But radiometric dating methods cannot be trusted because they are based on many assumptions.
Carbon dating is more reliable but it is only used for dates of thousands of years, and not millions of years.
It is impossible for science to tell us the age of the earth.
But the idea of millions of years is presented as fact in science textbooks, encyclopaedias, on TV, in museums, etc.
The lie of millions of years has been repeated so many times for so many years that people have become brainwashed!
Thousands of scientists reject the idea of millions of years, but they get ignored and ridiculed.
According to Wikipedia, “The age of the Earth is 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%).
ウィキペディアによると、「地球の年齢(ちきゅうのねんれい)は、45.4 ± 0.5億年 (4.54 × 109 年 ± 1%)である。」
However the truth is that it’s not ±1% error factor. It’s ±100% error factor!
しThere is just so much guess work involved in all dating methods.
In my home country of New Zealand a mountain erupted about 50 years ago.
Rocks from that eruption that were 50 years old were taken to a radiometric dating laboratory, and they were dated at being about 1 million years old!
The ages were wrong by 999,950 years!
なんとその誤差は99万9千9百50年だったのです!、実際は± 1%誤差範囲ではありません。± 100%の誤差範囲なのです!
Similar experiments like this have been repeated many times, and every time the same thing happens – rocks that are only a few years old, from recent lava eruptions, are ‘dated’ at being around a million years old or even older.
If you can’t trust radiometric dating on rocks of known age, then obviously you can’t trust it to tell you the age of rocks of unknown age.
And radiometric dating is the biggest reason scientists have for believing the earth is 4.5 billion years old!
The following is from http://sozoron.org/?page_id=861#_
What exactly is the method that radiometric dating uses?
Radioactive substances such as uranium change from one substance to another at a constant rate.
So, using the method of radiometric dating it's possible to measure the age of rocks by measuring the ratio of change of radioactive substances.
This measurement method has two main types, the first one being radiocarbon 14 method which is used for fossils of living things, and the other main type that is used for igneous rocks (lava) such as potassium argon method, uranium lead method, rubidium strontium method etc.
That is to say, Carbon 14 dating is used for fossils, and without exception the other methods are used for igneous rocks.
この測定法に はいくつかの大きな問題があります。
These measurement methods have several big problems.
For one thing, with igneous rocks there is no way of knowing how much radioactive substances were there when the rocks were formed, which can result in the rocks being dated as much older than they really are.
Also, it is assumed in these dating methods that the uniformitarian theory is correct, but uniformitarianism doesn't make sense because it is impossible to be certain that the rates of decay have been constant.
In addition, rocks usually have an extremely minute amount of radioisotopes which means this method can also have an error factor of hundreds of millions of years.
As a result of trying to date rocks of known age it has been shown that the measured dates can be completely different from the actual age.
This all shows that these dating methods are limited.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
TV Tokyo Report: Creation Museum TV東京の創造博物館のレポート
Japanese in this post is from: http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/ikegamiakira110403/
Akira Ikegami reports on various places in the United States, and unravels the America that is unknown to Japanese people.
This time, Akira Ikegami reports on the Creation Museum in Kentucky.
The Museum rejects Darwin’s theory of evolution, and presents the Bible’s view that humans were created.
Japanese people feel out of place at many of these exhibits.
However, since it opened it has been a popular place and has had over 1.2 million visitors.
What is the background as to why such a museum started?
Why is a theory that rejects evolution accepted by so many people?
Akira Ikegami reports on various places in the United States, and unravels the America that is unknown to Japanese people.
This time, Akira Ikegami reports on the Creation Museum in Kentucky.
The Museum rejects Darwin’s theory of evolution, and presents the Bible’s view that humans were created.
Japanese people feel out of place at many of these exhibits.
However, since it opened it has been a popular place and has had over 1.2 million visitors.
What is the background as to why such a museum started?
Why is a theory that rejects evolution accepted by so many people?
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Genesis 3D Movie 創世記の3Dの映画
"And God saw everything that he had made. And, behold, it was very good." Genesis 1:31
「神はお造りになったすべてのものを見られた。見よ。それは非常に良かった。」 創世記1:31
I'm excited about this movie about Genesis.
You can watch the trailer here
I especially like the fact that it has dinosaurs in it.
The Bible teaches that God made all of the animals - including dinosaurs.
It also teaches that dinosaurs and people lived at the same time.
I know that most scientists believe dinosaurs lived millions of years before people, but they are wrong.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Evolution vs God 進化論VS神様
is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate
the evidence.” - Richard Dawkins
「信仰は大きいなる責任回避であり、必要な思考、またはその証拠を正しく評価することを避けるための弁明である、体を交わしています。」 リチャード・ドーキンス
“Ray Comfort has done it again. In this video he uncovers the illogic of the atheists' thinking as he shows people two things, how evolution falls short as a true scientific theory and how their belief in it is actually faith.” - Matt Slick, Carm.org 「レイ・コンフォートはまた次の事をします。このビデオで無神論者の無論理を二つのもの見せて、いかに進化論は本当の科学的としての理論ではないこと、そして、彼らの信じている進化論が、実は信仰であること炙り出します。」マット・スリコ、Carm.org
“Evolution vs. God” is a new movie by Ray Comfort, and whether you love or hate the guy, you can’t ignore him. (See www.evolutionvsgod.com). If you haven’t seen the movie yet I encourage you to watch it – you can see it for free here on YouTube.
「進化論VS.神様」は新しいレイ・コンフォートの映画です。そして、あなたは彼を愛しているか嫌いかに関わらず見逃せません。(こちらです www.evolutionvsgod.com)もし、あなたは映画をまだ見ていないのなら、是非見て下さい。ユーチューブのこちらで無料で見れます。「信仰は大きいなる責任回避であり、必要な思考、またはその証拠を正しく評価することを避けるための弁明である、体を交わしています。」 リチャード・ドーキンス
“Ray Comfort has done it again. In this video he uncovers the illogic of the atheists' thinking as he shows people two things, how evolution falls short as a true scientific theory and how their belief in it is actually faith.” - Matt Slick, Carm.org 「レイ・コンフォートはまた次の事をします。このビデオで無神論者の無論理を二つのもの見せて、いかに進化論は本当の科学的としての理論ではないこと、そして、彼らの信じている進化論が、実は信仰であること炙り出します。」マット・スリコ、Carm.org
“Evolution vs. God” is a new movie by Ray Comfort, and whether you love or hate the guy, you can’t ignore him. (See www.evolutionvsgod.com). If you haven’t seen the movie yet I encourage you to watch it – you can see it for free here on YouTube.
Aware of the fact that evolutionists and atheists pride themselves on believing in the ‘facts’ of science instead of the ‘faith’ of religion, and aware that real science is based on observational evidence and repeatable experiments, Ray Comfort repeatedly asks evolutionists the question, “Could you give me some observable evidence that evolution is true – evidence of a change of kinds – something that I don’t have to receive by faith?” The answers (actually the lack of answers) are very revealing.
The movie shows evolution for what it is, like the emperor with no clothes, when closely examined the evidence can’t be seen because it doesn’t exist – certainly not empirical evidence that is the stuff of real science that can be tested and observed in the present. Things that supposedly happened ‘millions of years ago’ can’t be observed today but must be accepted by faith. (See The Argument from Faulty Dating and the Age of the Universe ).
The movie shows evolution for what it is, like the emperor with no clothes, when closely examined the evidence can’t be seen because it doesn’t exist – certainly not empirical evidence that is the stuff of real science that can be tested and observed in the present. Things that supposedly happened ‘millions of years ago’ can’t be observed today but must be accepted by faith. (See The Argument from Faulty Dating and the Age of the Universe ).
The best ‘evidence’ evolutionists can provide for evolution are things like stickleback fish changing into other kinds of… stickleback fish. (See stickleback fish article here). Or finch birds changing into… other kinds of finch birds. But neither of these is really evolution as there is no new genetic information that has been added – it’s speciation (minor variations within the same kind of animal). It is not a change in kind of one animal changing into another animal.
The university students that are interviewed have faith in their teachers and the so-called “scientific community”. I feel sorry for these no doubt intelligent university science students who have been duped into believing evolution is a fact – but they believe it largely because their professors and other scientists believe it (again another fallacy called the ‘appeal to authority’).But when the PhD science professors are asked the same questions they can’t provide real reasons or real evidence to show that evolution is true either, just ad hoc stories.
The best ‘evidence’ evolutionists can provide for evolution are things like stickleback fish changing into other kinds of… stickleback fish. (See stickleback fish article here). Or finch birds changing into… other kinds of finch birds. But neither of these is really evolution as there is no new genetic information that has been added – it’s speciation (minor variations within the same kind of animal). It is not a change in kind of one animal changing into another animal.
This kind of thinking and playing with words (where evolution and speciation are interchanged to mean the same thing) is a logical fallacy called equivocation. Whether this is a deliberate deception or whether the evolutionists are unaware of what they are doing is open to interpretation. However, as Ray points out, why not lie and deceive if there is no God to hold us all ultimately accountable?
このような考えと単語遊び(進化論と種分化は交換可能で、意味は同じです)はequivocationと呼ばれる論理的な誤謬です。たぶん、これは意識的な欺瞞か、たぶん、進化論者が自分のしていることに無自覚かどうかは、はっきりしません。 しかし、私たち全てが、神が存在しない場合には、Rayが指摘するように、なぜ嘘をついて、騙したりしないのでしょうか?
Another ‘evidence’ that is provided is Lenski’s bacteria experiment – but Ray points out that they are still just bacteria.
On PZ Meyers’ blog Meyers writes about their interview and says he is upset because in his view Ray ignores the fact that these bacteria have changed to become “quantitatively different bacteria”.
But that is exactly the problem – they aren’t really that different – there has been a very small mutational change but it isn’t an increase in genetic information – the change is a downhill change. All of these kinds of changes, whether via mutation or speciation, are like trying to get to the top of Mt. Everest (or in this case Mt. Evolution) by continually heading down and at best occasionally going sideways!
This kind of thinking and playing with words (where evolution and speciation are interchanged to mean the same thing) is a logical fallacy called equivocation. Whether this is a deliberate deception or whether the evolutionists are unaware of what they are doing is open to interpretation. However, as Ray points out, why not lie and deceive if there is no God to hold us all ultimately accountable?
このような考えと単語遊び(進化論と種分化は交換可能で、意味は同じです)はequivocationと呼ばれる論理的な誤謬です。たぶん、これは意識的な欺瞞か、たぶん、進化論者が自分のしていることに無自覚かどうかは、はっきりしません。 しかし、私たち全てが、神が存在しない場合には、Rayが指摘するように、なぜ嘘をついて、騙したりしないのでしょうか?
Another ‘evidence’ that is provided is Lenski’s bacteria experiment – but Ray points out that they are still just bacteria.
On PZ Meyers’ blog Meyers writes about their interview and says he is upset because in his view Ray ignores the fact that these bacteria have changed to become “quantitatively different bacteria”.
But that is exactly the problem – they aren’t really that different – there has been a very small mutational change but it isn’t an increase in genetic information – the change is a downhill change. All of these kinds of changes, whether via mutation or speciation, are like trying to get to the top of Mt. Everest (or in this case Mt. Evolution) by continually heading down and at best occasionally going sideways!
The university students that are interviewed have faith in their teachers and the so-called “scientific community”. I feel sorry for these no doubt intelligent university science students who have been duped into believing evolution is a fact – but they believe it largely because their professors and other scientists believe it (again another fallacy called the ‘appeal to authority’).But when the PhD science professors are asked the same questions they can’t provide real reasons or real evidence to show that evolution is true either, just ad hoc stories.
Ray also asks a few people if they have a dog when they say they do, he asks them if their dog was drowning and at the same time a neighbour that they don't know was drowning – who would they save? レイはまた数人に犬を飼っているかどうかを聞いて、飼っている人に対しては飼い犬と知らない隣人が同時におぼれていた場合、どちらを助けるかを尋ねます。
Startlingly they say they would save their dog! If people are just animals then why show more love for a person than a dog?
Ray also asks a few people if they have a dog when they say they do, he asks them if their dog was drowning and at the same time a neighbour that they don't know was drowning – who would they save? レイはまた数人に犬を飼っているかどうかを聞いて、飼っている人に対しては飼い犬と知らない隣人が同時におぼれていた場合、どちらを助けるかを尋ねます。
Startlingly they say they would save their dog! If people are just animals then why show more love for a person than a dog?
Ray Comfort gets to the heart of the matter – evolution and atheism are believed in by faith – blind faith – because the alternative – believing in God, means being morally accountable to the One who created us. It’s much ‘easier’ to believe in evolution and atheism and then I am ‘free’ to do whatever I want. (But beware – such ‘freedom’ leads to slavery to one’s own desires).
Ultimately it is evolution and atheism that are “the great cop-out” and “the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate the evidence.”
Ray Comfort gets to the heart of the matter – evolution and atheism are believed in by faith – blind faith – because the alternative – believing in God, means being morally accountable to the One who created us. It’s much ‘easier’ to believe in evolution and atheism and then I am ‘free’ to do whatever I want. (But beware – such ‘freedom’ leads to slavery to one’s own desires).
Ultimately it is evolution and atheism that are “the great cop-out” and “the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate the evidence.”
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Morality モラル
The number of Japanese (and western) people without morals has been increasing.
However, what is the basis for morality in Japanese society?
If the basis for morality in Japan is tradition, then why can’t the traditions change?
How do you decide what is right and wrong?
Majority opinion cannot determine morality, because the majority can be wrong.
In western nations too moral decay is an increasing problem, because these days most people no longer believe that the Bible is God’s Word.
If we are just evolved animals and there is no God then why is killing wrong?
Why was Hitler wrong to kill millions of Jews?
Why is abortion wrong?
After all, a lion is not wrong to kill a gazelle. We don’t send a lion to jail for killing another animal.
Judges 21:25 (NLT) "In those days Israel had no king, so the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes."
士師記21:25 (JLB) 「当時のイスラエルには王がなく、各人が正しいと思うことを気ままに行なっていたのです。」
Nowadays, the nations have rejected God's kingship, so people are doing whatever seems right in their own eyes.
The Bible is like an anchor for society that keeps society from drifting into danger.
"This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary." Hebrews 6:19 NLT Bible
「必ず救われるという確かな望みは、私たちのたましいにとって、信頼できる不動の錨です。 そして、この望みこそ、私たちを、天の神聖な幕の内側におられる神様と結び合わせるものなのです。」 へブル人の手紙6:19 リビングバイブル
However, what is the basis for morality in Japanese society?
If the basis for morality in Japan is tradition, then why can’t the traditions change?
How do you decide what is right and wrong?
Majority opinion cannot determine morality, because the majority can be wrong.
In western nations too moral decay is an increasing problem, because these days most people no longer believe that the Bible is God’s Word.
If we are just evolved animals and there is no God then why is killing wrong?
Why was Hitler wrong to kill millions of Jews?
Why is abortion wrong?
After all, a lion is not wrong to kill a gazelle. We don’t send a lion to jail for killing another animal.
Judges 21:25 (NLT) "In those days Israel had no king, so the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes."
士師記21:25 (JLB) 「当時のイスラエルには王がなく、各人が正しいと思うことを気ままに行なっていたのです。」
Nowadays, the nations have rejected God's kingship, so people are doing whatever seems right in their own eyes.
The Bible is like an anchor for society that keeps society from drifting into danger.
"This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary." Hebrews 6:19 NLT Bible
「必ず救われるという確かな望みは、私たちのたましいにとって、信頼できる不動の錨です。 そして、この望みこそ、私たちを、天の神聖な幕の内側におられる神様と結び合わせるものなのです。」 へブル人の手紙6:19 リビングバイブル
social problems,
Monday, September 16, 2013
Jesus (the Movie) ジーザス(映画)
you know that Jesus can speak Japanese?! It’s true!
Did you know that ‘the Jesus movie’ is the most watched movie in history?
Did you know that ‘the Jesus movie’ is the most watched movie in history?
It has been translated into more than 1000 languages – more languages than any other movie and has been seen by more than 2 billion people.
It has been translated into more than 1000 languages – more languages than any other movie and has been seen by more than 2 billion people.
You can see the movie in Japanese for free here
You can see the movie in Japanese for free here
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Catholics and Protestants カトリックとプロテスタントの違いは
I am a Protestant Christian, and I would like to compare
Protestant Christianity with Catholic Christianity.
An outward symbol of the Catholic Church is Jesus on the cross, whereas Protestants usually just have a cross.
An outward symbol of the Catholic Church is Jesus on the cross, whereas Protestants usually just have a cross.
Francis Zavier was the first Catholic missionary to go to Japan in 1549.
Francis Zavier was the first Catholic missionary to go to Japan in 1549.
However, there is evidence to show that the first Christians went to Japan around 70 A.D
However, there is evidence to show that the first Christians went to Japan around 70 A.D
(See http://www.jesusikigai.com/2013/09/gods-fingerprints-in-japan.html
The Catholic Church started around 300 A.D. and until the 16th Century it was the only official church.
In 1517 A.D. Martin Luther "protested" against the Catholic Church and started the Protestant movement.
The Catholic Church started around 300 A.D. and until the 16th Century it was the only official church.
In 1517 A.D. Martin Luther "protested" against the Catholic Church and started the Protestant movement.
Today there is 1 Catholic Church, and many different
Protestant Churches.
There are about 2 billion Christians in the world – 1 billion Catholics, and around 1 billion Protestants.
There are about 2 billion Christians in the world – 1 billion Catholics, and around 1 billion Protestants.
Catholics and Protestants believe in God and Jesus. We also have the same Bible.
Catholics and Protestants believe in God and Jesus. We also have the same Bible.
However Catholics see the Pope as their leader, whereas Protestant Churches see Jesus as the head of the Church.
However Catholics see the Pope as their leader, whereas Protestant Churches see Jesus as the head of the Church.
The biggest difference is that Protestants believe that the Bible is the most important thing for deciding doctrine.
The biggest difference is that Protestants believe that the Bible is the most important thing for deciding doctrine.
Whereas Catholics in reality believe in the Bible + tradition + the Pope + the Virgin Mary.
Whereas Catholics in reality believe in the Bible + tradition + the Pope + the Virgin Mary.
Catholics also pray to Mary, and have statues of Mary, and almost see Mary as being a god,
whereas Protestants don’t pray to Mary and don't have statues of Mary, and just see Mary as being a normal person.
The Bible says this:
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you." He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it." (Luke 11:27-28)
The Bible says this:
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you." He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it." (Luke 11:27-28)
Catholic Priests cannot be married, whereas Protestant leaders can be married.
In relation to this the Bible says:
Catholic Priests cannot be married, whereas Protestant leaders can be married.
In relation to this the Bible says:
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. (1 Timothy 4:1-3)
しかし、御霊が明らかに言われるように、後の時代になると、ある人たちは惑わす霊と悪霊の教えてとに心を奪われ、信仰から離れるようになります。それはうそつきどもの偽善によるものです。彼らは良心が麻痺しており、結婚することを禁じたり、食物を断つことを命じたりします。しかし、食物は、信仰があり、真理を知っている人が感謝して受けるようにと、神が造られた物です。(テモテへの手紙 第一4:1-3)
In regards to tradition Jesus said this:
For more information see here
Francis Xavier,
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