Could you be wrong about everything you claim to know?
No - Continue Reading いいえ。続けて読んでください
Yes - See Reverse はい。後ろをみてください。
According to Christianity, the God of the Bible is the source of all knowledge.
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." - Proverbs 1:7
According to Eastern Philosophies, knowledge comes from without and within.
"Find out for yourself what is truth, what is real." - Siddhartha Buddha
「自分で真実とはなにか、現実とは何かを見つけなさい。」 シッダールタ釈迦
"He (Brahman) is knowledge... He is situated in everyone's heart." - Bhagavad-gita 13:18
「彼(ブラマン)は知識。。。彼は皆の心にすんでいます。」 バガヴァッド・ギーター
Followers of Eastern Philosophies believe that all knowledge is gained
through personal experience, as taught by their respective sages / deities.
So, how do you reconcile: それでは、どのようにして、次のことに整合性を持たせるのですか?:
- the validity of your personal experiences with your fallibility? (Using your
experiences to validate your experiences is known as "circular reasoning.")
- あなたの経験が正当であるということと、あなたは間違いを犯しうる存在であるということ
- the claim that anyone is wrong, if truth comes from within?
(If truth is up to the individual, then claims that refute your worldview could not be wrong.)
- 真実が内部からやって来ると言う一方で、誰もが間違っていると主張すること。
- universal rules of reasoning (logic) with limited personal experience?
(Universal laws require universal knowledge.)
- 限られた個人的な経験と推論(論理)の普遍的ルール?
The Problem: 問題:
Contradictions amount to lying, as opposing statements cannot both be true.
The above questions expose contradictions in your source of knowledge, which means that you could be wrong about everything you claim to know!
So, how can you know anything?
Just as breathing requires air, thinking requires knowledge.
Without knowledge, nothing makes sense.
More problems: さらに問題なるのは:
- Revelation makes no sense if "all is one".
- 「すべては一つである」なら、啓示は、意味がありません。
If all is one, there could be no revelation from one to another because one is the other.
- Morality makes no sense if your worldview has no absolute standard of right and wrong.
Followers of Eastern Philosophies strive for "right behaviour", but without an absolute standard of right and wrong,
no behaviour could be right or wrong and morality is meaningless.
- あなたの世界観が善悪の絶対的な基準を持っていないならば、道徳は意味をなさない。
- Freedom cannot make sense if your past transgressions are inescapable.
According to Eastern Philosophies, you are trapped
in an ongoing cycle of reincarnation (rebirth) with no escape from your karma.
- もしもあなたの過去の罪は避けられないならば、自由は意味をなさない。
- Enlightenment cannot make sense without distinctions.
If "all is one", you would be in your "enlightened" state already, as there could be no distinction between enlightenment and illusion.
- 悟りは区別なしには意味をなさない。
「すべてが一つである」場合には、あなたは、すでに 「悟りを開いた」状態になり、悟りと幻想の区別がなくなるだろう。
What is our only hope in this life and the next?
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